Matthew Pohlkamp: Future Entrepreneur

Meet Matthew Pohlkamp, future entrepreneur. Matthew is currently a student at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is studying business and economics. But that’s not all – he is also the founder of his own company, Blue1647. Blue1647 is a technology incubator and co-working space for early stage startups and entrepreneurs. They offer access […]

Haylei Jordan: How To Overcome The Fear Of Starting

Haylei Jordan is a contributing writer for The Huffington Post and has been featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur, Teen Vogue, and more. As a young adult, she understands the challenges and fears that come with starting your own business. In this blog post, Haylei will be sharing her insights on how to overcome the fear of […]

Michael Ciminella: The Audacity to Start Life Again

Michael Ciminella is an entrepreneur and business owner who has faced plenty of challenges in his life. He’s been homeless, living in shelters, and even spent time in prison. But that hasn’t stopped him from starting over again and becoming one of the most successful business owners in the United States today. In this interview, […]

Ecampus DCCCD: A Brief Introduction

Ecampus DCCCD is a consortium of leading universities and colleges in the Dakar region, Senegal. The consortium was founded in 2002 as an initiative to promote regional integration and cooperation in the field of higher education. Since its inception, Ecampus DCCCD has played a significant role in the expansion of higher education opportunities in the […]

A Brief History Of Youneedchannels, The World’s Most Popular Blog Platform

Youneedchannels is the world’s most popular blog platform, with more than 160 million active users per month. It allows you to create a blog, publish content, and track your analytics in one place. What’s not to love? In this post, we will explore the history of Youneedchannels, from its humble beginnings as an online magazine […]

What Sites Like AnimixPlay Can Do For Artists

For artists of all levels, social media is a powerful tool. It’s a way to connect with potential fans and sell your art without even having to leave your house. But what about when you want to do something more than post pictures of your latest work? Enter sites like AnimixPlay. This website lets artists […]

What Is Cxldstxr (And What Should You Know About It)?

Cxldstxr is a new trend that’s quickly gaining popularity, and for good reason. It’s simple, über chic, and very versatile. And even better, it can be created with very little effort. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what cxldstxr is and how you can use it in your marketing strategy. We’ll […]