Haylei Jordan: How To Overcome The Fear Of Starting

Haylei Jordan is a contributing writer for The Huffington Post and has been featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur, Teen Vogue, and more. As a young adult, she understands the challenges and fears that come with starting your own business. In this blog post, Haylei will be sharing her insights on how to overcome the fear of starting. She’ll be talking about what has helped her in the past, as well as some tips and tricks that you can use to get over your own fear of starting something new.

Haylei Jordan is a 20-year-old who started her own business while she was still in college. In this post, Haylei talks about how to overcome the fear of starting your own business. “The biggest barrier I see people face when it comes to entrepreneurship is the fear of failure or not being good enough. I’m here to tell you that you are good enough and that it’s okay to fail.”

The fear of starting

When it comes to starting something new, Haylei Jordan knows a thing or two about fear. “The fear of starting is often what holds us back from taking that first step,” she says.

Jordan is a life coach and the founder of The Balanced Life Academy, where she helps people find balance and meaning in their lives. She’s also the author of the book The Fear Factor: How One Woman Overcame Her Fear of Starting and Found the Courage to Live an Extraordinary Life.

In her book, Jordan shares her own journey of overcoming the fear of starting and offers readers practical tips for doing the same. “The first step is to become aware of your fear,” she says. “What are you afraid of? What are you avoiding?”

Once you’ve identified your fear, it’s important to understand that it’s normal to feel scared when starting something new. “The key is not to let your fear stop you from taking action,” Jordan says.

She recommends taking baby steps and focusing on the present moment. “Starting doesn’t have to be perfect,” she says. “Just take one small step at a time.”

Jordan also suggests surrounding yourself with supportive people who will encourage you on your journey. “Find a community or tribe of like-minded individuals who will cheer you on and hold you accountable,” she says.

Ultimately, Jordan believes that everyone has within them the courage to start something new—even if it feels

How to overcome the fear of starting

There’s no doubt that starting something new can be scary. Whether it’s a new job, hobby, or relationship, the unknown can be daunting. But Haylei Jordan is here to tell you that it’s worth overcoming that fear and taking the leap.

Jordan is a writer and entrepreneur who has built a successful career by starting new ventures. In her blog post, “Haylei Jordan: How To Overcome The Fear Of Starting,” she shares her tips for overcoming the fear of starting something new.

1. Acknowledge your fear

The first step is to acknowledge that you’re afraid. It’s okay to be scared! Recognizing your fear will help you to better understand it and ultimately overcome it.

2. Break down your goal into smaller steps

One of the best ways to overcome the fear of starting is to break down your goal into smaller steps. When you have a big goal, it can feel overwhelming. But when you break it down into smaller goals, it will seem much more manageable and attainable.

3. Find a support system

Another great way to overcome the fear of starting is to find a supportive community or group of people who are going through the same thing as you are. These people will offer encouragement and motivation when you need it most.

4. Take action despite your fear

Ultimately, the only way to truly overcome your fear is to take action despite it. This doesn’t

Haylei Jordan’s story

Haylei Jordan’s story is one of overcoming the fear of starting. When she was younger, Haylei was terrified of starting new things. She was afraid of failing, and she didn’t want to put herself out there. But then she realized that the only way to achieve her goals was to face her fears head-on. She started taking risks, and it paid off. Today, Haylei is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur. And she wants to help you overcome your fear of starting, too. Here’s her story:

I was always a scaredy-cat when I was younger. I didn’t like trying new things because I was afraid of failing. I didn’t want to put myself out there, so I missed out on a lot of opportunities. But then I realized that the only way to achieve my goals was to face my fears head-on. So I started taking risks, and it paid off. Today, I’m a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur. And I want to help you overcome your fear of starting, too.

Here are three tips that helped me overcome my fear of starting:

1. Believe in yourself
The first step is believing in yourself. You have to think that you can actually do it before you can take any steps forward. When you have self-doubt, it’s harder to take risks and face your fears head-on. So start by believing in yourself and your abilities

What you can do to start overcoming your fears

There are a lot of things that you can do in order to start overcoming your fears. The first step is to identify what your fear is. Once you know what it is that you’re afraid of, you can start to address it.

One way to start addressing your fear is to talk about it with someone who can understand and support you. This could be a friend, family member, therapist, or anyone else who you feel comfortable talking with. Talking about your fear can help you to better understand it and figure out ways to overcome it.

Another way to start overcoming your fear is to gradually expose yourself to the thing that you’re afraid of. If you’re afraid of public speaking, for example, start by speaking in front of one person, then two people, and so on. Or if you’re afraid of heights, start by standing on a stool or going up a small flight of stairs. Gradually exposing yourself to your fear can help you to overcome it.

There are many other things that you can do to start overcoming your fears. These are just a few ideas. Talk with someone who understands and supports you, gradually expose yourself to your fear, and take other steps as well in order to start overcoming your fears today.


I am so grateful that Haylei Jordan was able to share her story with us and I hope it has inspired you to start your own journey towards overcoming the fear of starting. Remember, we all have fears and doubts but it is only when we face them head on that we can truly start living. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start conquering your fears today!

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